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Our Core Values


We firmly believe the Bible is far more than simply a source of truth, it is Truth itself.  Truth, in pursuit of humankind, became man, who walked among us, and taught us principles upon which we could build our lives.  The Bible is not just a collection of teachings for the times in which it was written; it is relevant today, guiding us through the social and relational issues we face every day.  The message of Truth is eternal, it has not changed, it needs nothing added to it, and it withstands the test of time.

(Psalm 119:160; John 8:31-32; John 14:6; 2 Tim. 3:16)


God, rich in grace and mercy, has woven us into a family.  We find acceptance and belonging within the embrace of community.  We will find that we have something to offer back.  We learn to lean on others when we are weak.  We learn to care when another’s strength wanes.  We learn to weep with the broken-hearted and to celebrate others’ victories.  In community we practice the art and discipline of servanthood, placing a higher value on the lives of others than upon our own.  We say “Together is Better”.

(Psalm 133:1-3; Romans 12:4-5; Matt. 18:20)


One of the greatest gifts humankind has ever experienced is the access to worship the living God.  Our worship is more than singing songs and hymns or giving of tithes and offerings.  We believe worship is a life that is lived in obedience, service, and devotion to God.

(John 4:24; Psalm 105:1; Romans 12:1)

Missional Living

We believe there is a mission in the midst of the madness; that we are called to be salt, a seasoning that influences our surroundings.  We are to reflect God’s light into a culture that is in the darkness.  We are to bind the wounds of the broken-hearted, to feed the hungry, and to clothe the naked.

(Mark 16:15; Isaiah 6:8; John 20:21)

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